Volusia County Schools: Exceptional Student Education

(386) 734-7190
200 North Clara Avenue, DeLand, FL, USA
Exceptional Student Education (ESE) provides services to over 13,000 students within Volusia County Schools. Students may be considered for ESE services if they meet the criteria of one or more of the categories of disabilities and/or meet eligibility criteria for gifted services as outlined in the Exceptional Student Education Special Policies and Procedures (SP&P)
Students may be identified with intellectual, behavioral, physical, medical, sensory and/or communication exceptionalities. The student must show a need for special education and related services as a result of his/her disability or disabilities. Students being considered for the gifted program are also required to demonstrate an educational need for services. Parents have the right to bring another adult of their choice to any ESE related meetings.
For further information about services, click on ESE Programs and Services on the left. The site will provide general information and awareness of the services and programs that ESE/SS supports.
Please contact us if you have questions or concerns regarding your child's:
- Evaluation for Gifted or Exceptional Student Education (ESE)
- Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Gifted Educational Plan (EP)
- Section 504
- McKay or Gardiner Scholarship
- ESE services or support
- General questions or concerns regarding students' exceptional needs
Please leave a message with your name, contact information, and a summary of your concern. If you are contacting us about a student, please include the student's name and school. We will respond to your inquiry within 2 business days.