Brevard Public

2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Melbourne, FL, USA
Services are provided to students who have been found eligible for ESE programs including the following:
Specific Learning Disabled
Intellectually Disabled
Emotional Behavioral Disabled
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Visually Impaired
Physically Handicapped
Speech Impaired
Language Impaired
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Related services include educationally relevant Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy.
The ESE program is funded from state, federal and local allocations. Policies, programs, and procedures are established in accordance with state and federal regulations and requirements.
Exceptional Student Education (ESE) services are provided at all schools. The majority of students receive their education at their neighborhood school. Although all Brevard Public Schools offer a continuum of services to support the needs of students requiring ESE services, some students who require the supports of a separate class setting may access a classroom that meets their individual needs in accordance with the feeder plan for their neighborhood school.
The latest Student Progression Plan for Exceptional Student Education is available on our site.
Upon graduation, each student should be able to follow post-graduation activities as written in their Transition Plan.
As a possible option for students who may choose Adult Education, classes have been established in three areas of the county for students with disabilities. Additional classes are accessed through the Pathways to Learning program at the Adult Education Sites.