Parent and Child Psychological Services PLLC
Our specialty is providing evidence-based treatments and testing services to children and teens. We have great passion for helping children, teens & their families struggling with a variety of issues including anxiety, behavior problems, mood disorders, OCD, PANS/PANDAS, selective mutism, and trauma. We view each family as unique, aiming to identify the most effective treatment available for each situation, providing a supportive relationship and actively working together to reach your goals. Parents are an integral part of the treatment process.
We use many Cognitive-Behavioral approaches where goals are set and skills are developed to help the child succeed. CBT for anxiety, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD and PANS/PANDAS are among the treatment approaches offered. We also specialize in treating selective mutism using PCIT-SM. We employ certified Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) therapists and trainees. PCIT is an evidence-based live coaching treatment for children ages 2-7 with problem behaviors & their caregivers. Our staff are co-authors of the PCIT adaptation for older children ages 7-10. If you feel nothing is working to help you manage your child's behavior PCIT may be your best next step.
We offer gifted testing, psychoeducational testing and neuropsychological evaluations.