Early Learning Coalition of Lake County

1300 Citizens Boulevard suite 206, Leesburg, FL, USA
Our History
The Lake County Coalition is among 30 organizations in Florida established by state legislation to administer the School Readiness and Voluntary Program in Lake County, Florida. The Coalition provides a variety of innovative early learning services to Lake County families including, child care resource and referral services, subsidized child care assistance and Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten program eligibility services. Child care services are offered to children ranging from birth to age five, as well as after school programs for children to age twelve.
The School Readiness Program offers financial assistance to low-income families for early child education and care so families can become financially self-sufficient and their young children can be successful in school in the future
The Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program prepares early learners for success in kindergarten and beyond. Children must live in Florida and be 4 years old on or before September 1 of the current school year to be eligible. The program helps build a strong foundation for school using educational materials that are geared to various stages in a child’s development.
Our Mission
To educate and support parents, early childhood professionals and the community as we collaborate to continue to provide the highest quality early learning programs for our children.
Our Vision
The children and families of Lake County are our future and our most vulnerable resource. Our children will enter school eager to learn and ready to succeed.
Help Me Grow
Help Me Grow Florida promotes early identification of developmental, behavioral or educational concerns, then links children and families to community-based services and supports at no cost to the parents and caregivers. Not in Lake County? Call 2-1-1 and ask for Help Me Grow.